Applicators must pass a pesticide applicator exam for either Private or Commercial pesticide applicator certification depending upon the type of certification needed. Additionally, commercial applicators must pass separate exams for certification to practice each additional Commercial pest control category. See the certification & licensing webpage for a detailed listing of the types of pesticide applicator certifications that are issued in New Jersey upon successful passing of the applicable certification exam(s).
Individual exams are based upon content contained in the corresponding New Jersey Pesticide Applicator Training manuals for Private, Core, Dealer, or Commercial Category, available from your County Cooperative Extension office or online ordering Make sure that you have purchased and study from the most recent version of the manuals (see Rutgers Manuals webpage). As of September 1, 2020, all Pesticide Certification exams are closed book. The passing score for a closed book exam is 75%.
Prior to registering to take the Core (Commercial) applicator exam, the candidate applicator must have taken and have a record of completion of an approved basic CORE training course. There continues to be no specific training requirements (with the exception of manual study) for Private applicators. Prior to registering to take a Commercial category exam, the applicator must have completed and have record of 40 hours of on-the-job training that includes the NJDEP-specified minimum number of applications per category. NJDEP requires specific forms documenting each of these be submitted with a Commercial applicator’s exam application.
The procedures for State Pesticide Applicator and Dealer Certification exams are outlined by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Licensing & Registrations. In accordance with Pesticide rule amendments at N.J.A.C. 7:30 and in partnership with the Department, all pesticide certification exams will only be available online through Rutgers University’s Office of Continuing Professional Education. Exam applicants will register through an online Rutgers portal and will be assessed a nominal fee. Registration services and exams will be available 24/7. Student ID verification and activity monitoring will be conducted via remote proctoring to uphold the Department’s exam standards and security.
**NJDEP PESTICIDE CERTIFICATION EXAMS Revised ALERT (issued January 11, 2021)**
The Department and Rutgers University are pleased to announce that the new online Pesticide Applicator Certification Exam Registration (PACER) system is NOW AVAILABLE for your use. Anyone interested in taking a Pesticide exam must register through the PACER system at
- The registration PACER system and exams are available 24/7.
- All exams will be administered via remote proctoring including real-time student ID verification and activity monitoring to uphold the Department’s exam standards and security.
- Exam applicants will be assessed a nominal fee for each exam.
- All exams are CLOSED book.
- The Department no longer offers any pesticide certification exams.