Welcome to the Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) home page for pesticide applicator training. NJAES provides this website as a public outreach service to applicators in the Garden State seeking to comply with New Jersey’s pesticide regulations.
State regulations for pesticide control are published as the New Jersey Administrative Code Title 7 Chapter 30. There are currently 13 subchapters of the Code. Subchapter 13 (PDF), School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) was adopted on December 4, 2004 to supplement the existing twelve subchapters. The most recent revision to Title 7 Chapter 30 was published on April 6, 2020; each of these 13 subchapters is available as PDF files on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) pesticide regulations webpage; any changes from the previous May 18, 2008; regulations are highlighted in red text for easy comparison.
Currently, the NJDEP Division that administers pesticide regulations and is responsible for enforcing the state and federal codes with regard to the use, sale, distribution, and manufacture of pesticides in the state of New Jersey is the Division of Water Monitoring, Standards and Pesticide Control. Information on the State pesticide programs are found online at the Bureau of Pesticide Control: Licensing and Registrations and the Bureau of Pesticide Compliance.

The purpose of this Rutgers NJAES PSEP website is to provide information and tools to meet the licensing requirements for New Jersey commercial and private applicators.
For those seeking applicator licensing for the first time, the site includes:
- current certification and licensing requirements;
- what is required for CORE and on-the-job training;
- where to get applicator training manuals;
- the current certification course contacts; and
- requirements for certification exams.
- Specifics of operator licensing are also discussed.
For licensed applicators, there are pages on:
- how to locate training courses that offer recertification credits;
- easy-to-use templates for required pesticide application record forms;
- a page of recommended links!
Thank you for visiting.