The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has mailed out pesticide license credit status to applicator, operator, and dealer mailing addresses of record. If you have not received your notice please review and follow the directions in the announcement “NJDEP Pesticide Licensing & Registrations – 2025 Pesticide License Renewal Information”.
If you are a Private Pesticide Applicator with a license expiration of October 31, 2024 AND have accrued 8 CORE and 16 PP2 recertification credits, your mailing will include an invoice with a zero balance. There is no fee for Private applicators/Gov’t exempt license renewals. To process your “zero invoice” (see graphic below), use the “paying online” directions that are provided in the General Information section of the NJDEP announcement. Make sure to process your invoice online to ensure your license remains active. The NJDEP provides that delays in applicator processing of licensing could lead to loss of certification status. If this occurs, the Applicator will need to pass the exams again to become certified again.
An image of the paper invoice appears to the right. Notice that the title of the document is “Pesticide Licensing Invoice” and that red arrows and type highlight the three pieces of information needed from the invoice for online processing: 1) Invoice #; 2) Amount due: $0.00; and 3) the license number.
When you receive your invoice, process your license renewal online by:

1. Go to
2. Under the heading Online Payments and Reports, click on the link labelled “Pay For Your License Online”
3. Enter Invoice number (found on paper invoice; if you do not have the invoice number, you may look it up online at Invoice Numbers for Unpaid License Invoices – Individuals)
4. Enter License number (make sure to capitalize any letters at the end of your license number; use birthdate format MM/DD/YYYY including slashes if prompted)
5. Click “Continue” and follow prompts from there
One of the most important steps is verifying that your mailing address is current to ensure delivery of your paper license to the correct address, rather than be returned to the NJDEP as “undeliverable”. You will be mailed your paper Private Pesticide Applicator License with a new expiration date of October 31, 2029.

If, however, you are a Private Applicator at the end of the fifth year following certification AND HAVE NOT attended the recertification training to achieve the minimum number of recertification credits required [8 CORE and 16 PP2], you will NOT receive an invoice for licensing in August. You will lose your license on October 31st unless you take the courses needed, or retake the Private Pesticide Applicator Exam.
IMPORTANT: It is illegal for certified Private applicators to use or supervise use of pesticides without a license.
Private applicators receive an update of recertification status once a year. The “Recertification Update Form” will tell you when your 5 year period is up, how many units you have accumulated and how many more you need.
Verification of your recertification credits can be done online throughout the year by going to the NJDEP Online Report portal and selecting the “Private Pesticide Applicator – Specific Information” report. Recertification credit status can also be checked at the NJDEP Bureau of Pesticide Control website, as follows:
- Click on this link
- Scroll down to “Recertification Courses”
- Click on link labeled “Check Your Credit & Course History-Private Applicator” or “Check Your Credit and Course History – Commercial Applicators
- Enter Requested information (license number with letter capitalized, and if prompted your birthdate including slashes, and last four digits of Social Security number)
- Click OK
Private Applicators are encouraged to accumulate the requisite 8 CORE subject matter and 16 Private Part 2 (PP2) credits subject matter over the 5 years. NJDEP’s recertification credit cap for online training is of 25% total required credits [i.e., for Private applicators, 2 of the total 8 CORE and 4 of the total 16 PP2].
The license will be valid for a minimum of 5 years, at which point another $0 invoice will generate if you have accrued the minimum recertification credits.
If there are any questions on the certification and licensing program for Private Pesticide Applicators, please call the Pesticide Control Program at (609) 984-6568.