In order to maintain valid Pesticide Applicator Certification in the state of New Jersey, pesticide applicators must earn a minimum of 24 recertification credits by attending continuing education courses.

Commercial Pesticide Applicators must accumulate 8 Core credits and 16 category credits (per each category certified). Private Pesticide Applicators must accumulate 8 Core credits and 16 ‘PP2’ credits.
NJDEP policy is that the total 24 recertification credits must be accumulated by the applicator within a five year period subsequent to passing their certification exam. The five year period begins the November 1st following passing the exam, and ends five years later on October 31th. If the full complement of recertification credits is not earned within that five year period, certification as a pesticide applicator in New Jersey expires. Certification in these cases can only be acquired by passing the required exams again.
The NJEP policy for online recertification credits is a maximum of 25% of the total recertification credit requirement. So, for example, a Private Pesticide Applicator can accrue a maximum of 2 Core credits of the 8 required CORE recertification credits and a maximimum of 4 total PP2 credits of the 16 required PP2 recertification credits required to maintain their certification status to be eligible to renew their license every 5 years.
New Jersey-licensed pesticide applicators can access their course history electronically by going to the ‘DEP DataMiner Pesticides ONLINE REPORTS‘ web page to access their current license information and recertification status. Applicators can check to see how many recertification units they have accrued by CORE, CORE Category, or PP2; as well as make sure that their license is still current. The DataMiner webpage for Pesticides has many reports. To look up your own Pesticide Applicator License status, scroll to the report for your type of license titled specifically as either: Commercial Certified Pesticide Applicator; Commercial Pesticide Operator; or Private Certified Pesticide Applicator.
Recertification Courses for New Jersey Pesticide Applicators
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) evaluates all recertification courses. Course topics offered for recertification credit include: Core (private or commercial certifications), PP2 for private certification, as well as each of the 13 commercial pest control categories. Recertification credits can be earned by either attending NJDEP-approved recertification courses, or by completing an NJDEP-approved online training module.
Numerous online CEU courses are available and the NJDEP reports that they continue to work directly with course providers to maintain an adequate number of online courses and CEUs while ensuring providers adhere to minimal online modality standards including student ID verification and class monitoring.
To find recertification courses open to the public, applicators can access reports online at ‘DEP DataMiner’ webpage. On this page select “Search by Category”; then select “Pesticide Control Program” from the dropdown search menu. On the Pesticide Conrol Program page of DataMiner, there are thirty-six reports. To locate NJDEP-approved recertifcation courses, scroll down the DataMiner Pesticide Control Program webpage to the last three reports on the list. Applicators can select from these three types of reports to locate a NJDEP-approved recertification course:
- Recertification Course by Specific Date: You can search for a recertification course on a specific course date.
- Recertification Course by Course Number: You can search for specific recertification courses using the NJDEP course number.
- Recertification Courses Available: You can search upcoming pesticide applicator recertification courses by subject area. [i.e., CORE, Category, or Private (called ‘PP2’)] within a date range that you specify.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Outreach for Licensed Applicators
As the land-grant university for the state of New Jersey, Rutgers University’s New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Cooperative Extension (RCE) provides cutting-edge programs and conferences, with sessions eligible for recertification credit. Rutgers is tapped for the expertise of its’ Cooperative Extension Specialists, County Agents/Program Coordinators, and Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP). Additionally, RCE experts are invited to speak at events sponsored for key stakeholder groups; providing the perspective, expertise, and science-based information unique to Rutgers as New Jersey’s land-grant institution.
Rutgers NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education offers a selection of landscape pest control and pesticide courses offering recertification credit, typically scheduled in the fall through early spring.
Please contact your local county Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension, or Rutgers PSEP (848-932-9802) to inquire further about Rutgers pesticide applicator outreach in New Jersey.
Online Recertification Courses Available:
New Jersey Pesticide Control Regulations allow pesticide applicators to earn recertification credits by completing online courses that are approved by the NJDEP. Current NJDEP policy limits the accrual of recertification credits through online courses. Within an applicator’s 5-year recertification period, licensed applicator may accrue online credits up to: 2 Core units; and 4 units in each Category that they are certified. NJDEP-accepted and approved online recertification courses are:
All Star Training – Contact: 817-385-1136; or see Offers Core, 1A (Agricultural Plant), 3A (Ornamentals), 3B (Turf), 5 (Aquatic), 6B (Right-of-Way), 7A (General & Household), 7B (Termite), 7C (Fumigation), 7D (Food Processing), 7E (Wood Preserving), 8A (Public Health), 8B (Mosquito Control), 8C (Campground), and PP2 (Private Applicator).
Continuing Education University – Aaron Mackie – email 251-583-5972
- Ants (Imported Fire Ants): 4 units in 1A (Agricultural Plant); 3A (Ornamentals); 3B (Turf); PP2 (Private Part 2)
- Turfgrass Culture: 2 units in 1A (Agricultural Plant);3B (Turf); 6B (Right of Way)
- Insects of Turfgrass: 4 units – 1A (Agricultural Plant); 3B (Turf); 6B (Right of Way)
- Spiders: 4 units in 3C (Interior Plantscape); 7A(General & Household); 8A (General Public Health); 8C (Campground)
- Weed ID and Herbicides: 2 units in 3A (Ornamental); 3B (Turf)
- Using Insecticides in the House: 2 units in 7A (General & Household)
- Turfgrass Diseases: 4 units in 1A (Agricultural Plant); 3B (Turf)
- Soil, Nutrients and IPM: 2 units in 1A (Agricultural Plant);3A (Ornamentals); 3B (Turf)
- A Respirator: 2 units in Core
- Pesticides and the Environment: 2 units in Core
- Pesticide Safety: 2 units in Core
- Non-Biological Turf Problems: 2 units in 1A (Agricultural Plant), 3B (Turf)
- Managing Household Pests: 2 units in 7A (General & Household)
- Insecticides: 2 units in 7A (General & Household)
- Mosquitoes: 4 units in 8B (Mosquitoes)
- Insects: 2 units in 7A (General & Household)
- Turfgrass Species: 4 units in 1A (Agricultural Plant); 3B (Turf)
Harrell’s LLC – Offers courses in categories: Core, PP2, 1A, 3A, 3B, 8A, 8B, and 8C.
Western Farm Press – Penton Media. Contact: Cheryl Ogle – 559-326-7405
- Using Calcium as Nutrient that Protects Against Disease Organisms: 4 units in 3A (Ornamentals); 4 units PP2
- Status of Herbicide Resistance in Weeds: 2 units in CORE; 4 units in 3B
- Biopesticides – Effective Use in Pest Management Programs: 4 units in 1A (Agricultural Plant); 4 units PP2
- The ABCs of MRLs (Maximum Residue Levels): Growing Issue for Ag Exports: 2 units in Core
- Managing Spray Drift to Minimize Problems: 2 units in Core
- Lepidopterous Pest Management: 1 unit in CORE, 3 units in PP2, 1A
- Weed Management in Orchards and Vineyards: 4 units in 1A, PP2
- Utilizing Potassium Nitrate as a Specialty Nutritional Product that Protects against Disease Organisms and Plant Stresses: 4 units in 1A, 4 units in PP2
National Pest Management Association – . Offers courses in categories: Core, PP2, 1A, 1B, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C, 7A, 7B, 7D, 8A, 8B, and 8C. – Contact: Kevin Hurley; email; 845-481-4048
- Core: Toxicity of Pesticides- 1 unit
- Core: Ecological Concerns – 1 unit
- PP2- 4 units
- 3A (Landscaping Ornamental Pest Control)- 4 units
- 3B (Landscaping: Turf Pest Control) – 4 units
- 3C (Interior Plantscaping) – 4 units
- 5 Aquatic Pest Control- 4 units
- 6B (Right of Way) – 4 units
- 7A (General & Household) – 4 units
- 7B (Termite) – 4 units
- 8D (Cooling Tower Pest Control) – 4 units
Univar ES – Offers courses in categories: Core, PP2, 1A, 1B, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C, 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 8A, 8B, 8C, and Category 13.
Achieva Inc & SePRO – – 317-818-1868. Offers courses providing Category 5 units.
Source: NJDEP.; date accessed 7/10/2024.